Elevator Rescue Training

Elevator Rescue Training
Elevator Rescue

Elevator Rescue Training

Our company offers Elevator Rescue training to elevator owners and their employees, security personnel, Fire Fighters , Facilities personnel and first responders

Level 1 - Entrapped Passenger Risk Assessment
This training is provided to security personnel and elevator owners and their employees.

This training provides:

  • Review of Acts and regulation pertaining to Elevator Rescue

  • Basic operation of elevators and identification of elevator components

  • Hands on practical review of the owners elevating device

  • Basic rescue communication

  • Identify the type of elevator emergency and appropriate rescue response

  • Basic elevator rescue not involving between floor rescue

On completion of Examination and practical skills assessment the trainee will be provided certification as Level 1 Elevator Entrapped Passenger Risk Assessment
Level 2 - Advanced Elevator Rescue
Prerequisite training
level 1- Basic Elevator Rescuer
Fall arrest training

This training provides hands on practical training for entrapped passenger rescue involving between floor rescues and/or moving the elevator. It is typically provided to Fire Fighters and first responders. Suitability of the trainee for this level of rescuer is determined by our instructors.

Elevator owners must register as an Elevating Device Evacuation Contractor with the TSSA
Training will involve:

  • Moving the elevator for rescue( traction or Hydraulic) and assessing risk involved

  • fall risk assessment to passengers and the rescuer
Assessment is by examination and practical skills assessment. On completion the trainee will be registered as an Elevator Evacuation Rescuer with the TSSA

Contact us 519 317 9378